DGMC Sing Along

DGMC Spring Flower Sale Time!

Help support DGMC by purchasing your Spring flowers!


Founded in 2003, DGMC is committed to continually reaching for excellence in choral music, forging active community partnerships and educating others about the value of diversity. We offer a broad range of musical styles from serious to the sublime—heavy to hysterical. Our members have a dedication to the choral arts and the desire to become part of a singing, gay-affirming community—and, no, you don’t have to be gay to join us!

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Our Mission Statement

We sing to inspire, encourage, and sustain excellence in the choral arts and to achieve a gay-affirming presence in the greater Miami Valley.

Our Vision

We will continually reach for excellence in choral music and offer a broad repertoire in a variety of visible and accessible venues. We will build bridges of understanding through our collaborative community partnerships and educate the community at large about the value of diversity.

Our Values

We believe in the inherent worth of all humanity. We create an enjoyable social environment for our membership through fellowship and brotherhood. We seek to open minds and eliminate prejudice by honoring and celebrating our differences.

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Leading by Example, Leading with Passion

The Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus strives to inspire, encourage and sustain excellence in the choral arts to achieve a gay-affirming presence in the greater Miami Valley.


Kathy Clark Artistic Director

Raymonde Rougier Principal Accompanist

Chris “Red” Newman Production Designer

Sarah Caplan Production Manager


Drew Huggins Past President

Marc Driscoll President

Landon Drumm Secretary

Fred Poland Treasurer

Edward Brown-Kennedy Vice President

Noah Sharp Chorus Liaison

Jeffrey Sypeck Membership Direcctor

Our Mission Statement

We sing to inspire, encourage, and sustain excellence in the choral arts and to achieve a gay-affirming presence in the greater Miami Valley.

Our Vision

We will continually reach for excellence in choral music and offer a broad repertoire in a variety of visible and accessible venues. We will build bridges of understanding through our collaborative community partnerships and educate the community at large about the value of diversity.

Our Values

We believe in the inherent worth of all humanity. We create an enjoyable social environment for our membership through fellowship and brotherhood. We seek to open minds and eliminate prejudice by honoring and celebrating our differences.


Leading by Example, Leading with Passion

The Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus strives to inspire, encourage and sustain excellence in the choral arts to achieve a gay-affirming presence in the greater Miami Valley.


Kathy Clark Artistic Director

Raymonde Rougier Principal Accompanist

Chris “Red” Newman Production Designer

Sarah Caplan Production Manager


Drew Huggins Past President

Marc Driscoll President

Landon Drumm Secretary

Fred Poland Treasurer

Edward Brown-Kennedy Vice President

Noah Sharp Chorus Liaison

Jeffrey Sypeck Membership Direcctor


Thank you for your interest in the Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus. DGMC’s requirements are simple…the ability to sing on pitch, dedication to the choral arts and the desire to become part of a singing, gay-affirming community. We accept new members at the first two rehearsals in September for our Holiday Concert and in January for our Spring Concert. Interested?


Here we answer your basic questions about membership and what you can expect as a member of the chorus.

Vocal Placements

We will schedule you for a time with our Artistic Director. You will be tested for your vocal range to help with section placement and also some basic pitch matching.  That’s it!!


Chorus rehearsals are held on Monday nights from 7 until 9:30 PM at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 125 N Wilkinson Street. Regular attendance at rehearsals is essential for everyone’s success. Usually two times per concert session, we have optional (though encouraged) sectional rehearsals on other nights of the week. One time per concert season, we have an half-day Saturday retreat/rehearsal. Additional rehearsals may be scheduled.


Chorus dues are $90 per year are collected in three installments in September, January and April. Our regular concert dress is a tuxedo jacket and shirt for about $125 plus tuxedo pants for about $55 that must be purchased prior to your first concert. You are also asked to provide black belt and dress shoes and socks.  Financial assistance is available to cover fees if you need it.


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Become an Active Supporter

As we begin rehearsals for our 2023-2024 programming season, we ask for your support to continue our commitment to continually reach excellence in choral music, forge active community partnerships and educate our community about the value of diversity. Please make a donation to the Chorus. If you’re already supporting us, we sincerely thank you, and ask you to consider renewing or increasing your donation. The Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus is a 501c3 organization. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.


CORPORATE SPONSOR | $5,000 – $9,999


Six tickets to each performance (Dec 6th and June 6 Level A) + table at the Benefit

GRANDIOSO LEVEL | $2,500 – $4,999

Six tickets to each performance (Dec and June)

FORTISSIMO LEVEL | $1,000 - $2,499

Four tickets to each performance (Dec and June)

CRESCENDO LEVEL | $500 - $999

Two tickets to each performance (Dec and June)

ACCENT LEVEL | $250 - $499

CON AMORE LEVEL | $100 - 249

FRIEND | up to $99

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2023–2024 Advertising Opportunities

Thank you so much for considering the 2021 advertising opportunities with the Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus. The chorus offers advertising opportunities in all of our concert and fundraising programs and via our web site giving our supporters maximum exposure to a diverse, ever growing demographic.

Your 2023 – 2024 DGMC Advertising Season includes:

  • Your ad in our Holiday Concert program book, reaching over 750 attendees (December, 2023)
  • Your ad in our Pride Concert program book reaching over 500 attendees (June, 2024)
  • Your logo and URL listed on our website during the entire 2023-24 Season


Ad Specifications

All ads are in high resolution, grey-scale black and white, with the exception of exterior front and back as well as interior front and back cover ads. All are available on a first come, first serve basis, and payment MUST be received prior to the Ad Deadline or the ad will not appear. Please review our advertising contract, prices and packages. If you have any questions regarding our group or advertising opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Become an Active Supporter

As we begin rehearsals for our 2023-2024 programming season, we ask for your support to continue our commitment to continually reach excellence in choral music, forge active community partnerships and educate our community about the value of diversity. Please make a donation to the Chorus. If you’re already supporting us, we sincerely thank you, and ask you to consider renewing or increasing your donation. The Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus is a 501c3 organization. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.


CORPORATE SPONSOR | $5,000 – $9,999


Six tickets to each performance (Dec 6th and June 6 Level A) + table at the Benefit

GRANDIOSO LEVEL | $2,500 – $4,999

Six tickets to each performance (Dec and June)

FORTISSIMO LEVEL | $1,000 - $2,499

Four tickets to each performance (Dec and June)

CRESCENDO LEVEL | $500 - $999

Two tickets to each performance (Dec and June)

ACCENT LEVEL | $250 - $499

CON AMORE LEVEL | $100 - 249

FRIEND | up to $99

2023–2024 Advertising Opportunities

Thank you so much for considering the 2021 advertising opportunities with the Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus. The chorus offers advertising opportunities in all of our concert and fundraising programs and via our web site giving our supporters maximum exposure to a diverse, ever growing demographic.

Your 2023 – 2024 DGMC Advertising Season includes:

  • Your ad in our Holiday Concert program book, reaching over 750 attendees (December, 2023)
  • Your ad in our Pride Concert program book reaching over 500 attendees (June, 2024)
  • Your logo and URL listed on our website during the entire 2023-24 Season


Ad Specifications

All ads are in high resolution, grey-scale black and white, with the exception of exterior front and back as well as interior front and back cover ads. All are available on a first come, first serve basis, and payment MUST be received prior to the Ad Deadline or the ad will not appear. Please review our advertising contract, prices and packages. If you have any questions regarding our group or advertising opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus has made Dayton its home for more than 20 years and during that time, we’ve put on a host of entertaining, as well as critically-acclaimed choral performances. Experience some of our best for yourself and view our videos.


Have questions? Want to learn more? Are you a choral enthusiast with ideas for future performances? As our stated vision is to build bridges of understanding through collaborative community partnerships and interactions, we welcome you to connect with us!

Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus
P.O. Box 642
Dayton, OH 45401-0642





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